This child is a glowing beacon of hope. -- truth_b_known
Thank you, truth_b_known, for such a beautiful thought!
Change this narrative if you truly want her to be happy and successful. "Not about the money" is a noble enough position but it doesn't translate well into making dreams come true. -- OrphanCrow
You sound like a very successful business person yourself, OrphanCrow. I wish I had had your sage advice earlier on for myself! Lacey is a starry-eyed little girl and, of course, will be led properly through the financial aspects:
She explained how she will hire consultants to help get her fledgling business off to a good, solid start. -- from OP
However, I understand your point about the attitude toward why we're doing this -- making money. I get how one's talent and so-called noble cause can be parlayed by an outwardly sincere but unscrupulous individual into his own financial gain. Personally, I have been naive in such matters and given out more than had been taken in.
As per your good counsel, I will help steer Lacey's passion and talent properly, insofar as I am only her school teacher -- and friend, it is hoped, for life.
Blessings and Peace.